Chancil area art

Since the congregation has been remaining at nave level for communion, few members or visitors have seen these pieces that were located in the chancil.

Select the image to receive full size.

First Left:
The Luther Rose

First Right:
The Keys to the Kingdom

Second Left:
The Fish

Second Right:
Bible and Sword

Third Left:

Third Right:
Poppy Flower

Fourth Left:
Ladder, Spear, and Sponge

Fourth Right:

Fifth Left:

Fifth Right:
Decending Dove

Sixth Left:

Sixth Right:

Far Left:
St. Matthew

Far Right:
St. John

Near Left:
St. Mark

Near Right:
St. Luke

On the Alter:
Cross on the Alter

Under the Cross on the Alter:
The Lamb of God

Page created January 15, 2018.

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